Safety and Quality
You can rely on mateco

is a question of attitude

As a service provider, we endeavour to do our best every day anew to meet customer requirements and to continue to improve. Only in this ways does quality result: in consulting, when processing orders, in Sales, during training courses, in Logistics or in Accounting.
And or course for the products—our working platforms. They are from well-known manufacturers with high-quality equipment. Here we invest in the latest technology and improved service year after year.
Quality leadership in the service of your customers – that's our motto and our endeavour
When choosing our suppliers as well, we make sure that they are exactly compatible with us and our quality requirements.
has top priority at mateco

There are standards which regulate the safe condition and operation of working platforms in Germany. The truck-mounted, trailer-mounted, scissor and telescopic platforms from mateco fully comply with these regulations. mateco GmbH itself is certified with the seal "Safe with System" according to the industry-specific implementation of NLF / ILO-OSH 2001 and DIN ISO 450001:2018.
- Highest safety standard
- Comprehensive maintenance certificates
- All relevant marks of conformity and standards
Even a pro never stops learning. That's why mateco offers its customers comprehensive, practice-oriented and certified operator training courses. With practical exercises you and your employees learn how to operate and service the mateco working platforms safely and efficiently. Participation will be documented with the mateco PlatformCard.
where we're needed—at your location(s)

A telescopic working platform or would a small truck be better after all? Renting working platforms is a matter of trust and often requires explanation. That's why we have our sales representatives in the field, who find the optimum solution together with you. In addition, we also have a highly efficient key account management system. Our access pros analyse the situation on site and are always open for your requests and requirements in the process. Together with the mateco administrative employees, they form an unbeatable team.
- Effective problem solutions
- Expertise on site
- Industry-specific know-how
- Comprehensive range of services
But our service goes even further: On request we'll acquire exemptions or even organise the necessary traffic safety measures for you. With laser measuring instruments our sales representatives quickly and reliably determine the distance to the work area. That enables them to then choose the ideal working platform for you.
Our transport service

We quickly and reliably deliver the equipment from our rental stock to the operating site it is required at. For this purpose we use over 50 of our own special transporters and long-standing service providers. On site the operators are provided with intensive instruction on using the respective machine model.