We celebrate 50 years of mateco

Aiming high since 1973: It has been half a century since mateco was founded in Stuttgart under its former name of "maltech Hebebühnen-Vermietung GmbH & Co. Since then, we have been writing our unique story of growth and success, during the course of which we have been able to strategically expand our branch network as well as the associated fleet of vehicles and attract passionate employees to our teams.
All this has made our company what it is today: the leading rental company of access equipment, whose story is far from over.
Working platforms
In the 1970s, when our company was founded, newspapers were among the most important sources of information and entertainment. It is therefore no coincidence that we published an anniversary newspaper to mark our 50th anniversary, which we also make available to you here digitally as an e-paper.
So feel free to leaf through the most important stages of our history, look back on our proudest moments, experience special assignments and projects, and let us also venture a cautious look into the future. As the core of our company, we have of course also given our employees a lot of space in our anniversary newspaper, and you can look forward to hearing their stories and experiences in particular.

"mateco is for me..." - Yes, what actually? On the occasion of our anniversary, we asked and had this sentence completed by some of our colleagues from the most diverse subsidiaries and areas.
Before you watch their great answers in our video clip, we can already anticipate one thing: The bond with mateco and the shared pride in being part of our company are clearly evident in all of them.
We have a long-standing and trusting relationship with many of our customers. Therefore, it is particularly important to us to include them in our anniversary and to let them have their say.
But what is it that our customers appreciate about mateco and what do they wish us for our anniversary? To find out, our key account management went out and recorded the statements and congratulations of some customers to mateco on film. We thank you for the kind words, look forward to many more years of good cooperation and hope you enjoy the resulting video clip.
In line with our values and as a thank you for 50 years of mateco, social commitment is one of our top priorities this year.
Between August and October 2023, we have therefore launched a major donation campaign in favor of "Herzenswünsche e.V." – a nationwide association which fulfills the wishes of seriously ill children in Germany.
As part of our donation campaign, € 3 per rental went automatically to Herzenswünsche e.V. (without additional costs for our customers, of course). In addition, our mateco employees also raised a significant four-figure sum, which was finally rounded up by our company to a generous donation of € 250,000 in total.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of our donation campaign!
On the occasion of our special birthday and as a permanent reminder of our anniversary year within the mateco rental park, a unique working platform has been created with the support of all our colleagues.
We therefore selected our brand new truck-mounted working platform LT 480 K D/E, labelled it with our 50th anniversary logo and sent it on a road trip through our main mateco branches in Germany. This is where the mateco teams received the truck on site, decorated it with their city names and organized small team events to celebrate our anniversary.
All of this was captured on film and subsequently combined in a unique road movie which authentically portrays mateco in Germany in all its diversity. Be sure to take a look!
As the ultimate ending to our anniversary year 2023, we welcomed all mateco employees from all over Germany to a big anniversary celebration in Stuttgart – the place where mateco was founded 50 years ago.
With a varied program, nice conversations, delicious food and a relaxed atmosphere, we spent an unforgettable evening with the entire mateco family according to the motto "Red/White/Gold".
See for yourself how we celebrated together and experience all the emotions and unforgettable moments up close in our aftermovie.
Half a century of company history has prompted us to reflect on what we have achieved so far and to capture it in an entertaining video, which was shown on the big screen during our anniversary celebration.
You can look forward to an entertaining video compilation in which we present exciting figures, some of the most memorable operations with our working platforms as well as the most significant moments in mateco's history.
Enjoy watching our way up!