Over 50 years of mateco working platforms -
Milestones of a success story

maltech Hebebühnen-Vermietung GmbH & Co. is founded in Stuttgart, Germany. The business started with the hiring of truck-mounted working platforms. Scissor and telescopic working platforms followed a few years later.
In Germany, the foundation for the mateco network is laid with 6 branches.
The foreign company in Luxembourg is founded.
In Tychy/Kattowitz the Polish subsidiary is founded; additional locations follow.
The company's name is changed to the non-listed mateco AG.
mateco is the first rental company to have the highest platform of all at that time with a working height of 88 m. The largest all-wheel drive truck-mounted platform with a working height of 62 m is also part of the equipment fleet.
Odewald & Compagnie Gesellschaft für Beteiligungen mbH assumes the majority share in mateco.
Straub Mobilmietlift in Reutlingen is taken over by mateco.
The course of growth taken is consistently pursued. Mietlift GmbH in Dormagen is acquired.
The two working platform rental companies Zülz (Ravensburg and Kempten) and Kühne (Kassel and Göttingen) are acquired.

mateco maintains its expansion course and is established nationwide. A new branch in Munich is opened and the Bavarian company Top Lift Arbeitsbühnen is acquired.
The PlatformCard operator training course is certified according to ISO 18878:2004 and according to BGG/GUV-G 966.
Internationally, mateco is not only represented with its own subsidiaries in Poland and Luxembourg – working platforms can be rented worldwide via cooperations. In Germany, mateco is represented nationwide at 28 locations.
The TVH Group with headquarters in Waregem, Belgium, purchases mateco AG. Then the company is renamed in mateco GmbH.

mateco celebrates its 40th birthday.
A hand-over station for self-drive truck- and trailer-mounted working platforms is opened in the Bergisches Land region in Wuppertal, Germany.
Takeover of the IRMLER WOB-LIFT working platforms rental service in Wolfsburg.
The ROHRMOSER working platforms rental company in Munich-Freiham is aquired.
Opening of a new branch in Osnabrück. Acquisition of the Huber and Högele working platform rental company in Munich-Haar.
Our parent company TVH acquires 100% of the shares of Lavendon (Deutschland) Holding GmbH and thus the Gardemann Arbeitsbühnen GmbH.

Gardemann and mateco are merging and will operate under the joint brand of the "new" mateco GmbH from 01.01.2018.
Reason enough for a book about 45 years full of highs and records! You can find our mateco chronicle in PDF format here.
Through a company acquisition in Cottbus and Frankfurt/Oder, mateco gains two additional locations.
Founding of mateco Schweiz GmbH based in Muttenz.
Company expansion in Mannheim by opening a new transfer station for truck mounted platforms.
The Rental business unit is separating from the Belgian TVH Group. This means that mateco Holding is now an independent, 100% family-owned company and operates all rental and sales activities independently.
In Lübeck/Stockelsdorf, WL Werbung & Arbeitsbühnenvermietung GmbH is taken over.
The company headquarters are relocated from Stuttgart to Leonberg, where mateco moves into a modern new building.
mateco continues to develop the international rental business and expands in Mexico.
With the adoption of a bee sponsorship, mateco is specifically committed to biodiversity and continues to focus on the topic of sustainability.

mateco is celebrating its 50th birthday.
A new mateco branch is opened on the site of the STILL branch in Freiburg im Breisgau.
With the takeover of H&M Arbeitsbühnen GmbH, mateco gains three more locations in the north with Husum, Flensburg and Rendsburg.
Renaming of mateco Schweiz GmbH to mateco Schweiz AG and acquisition of the Swiss-based Maltech Holding AG with 130 employees, more than 700 rental machines and over 50 years of company history.
With the opening of a new mateco rental station in Kenn near Trier, we are expanding our nationwide branch network.
A year full of moves
In 2024, the following locations moved into new premises: Dresden, Saarbrücken, Frankfurt-West, Wuppertal and Göttingen.